File Handling for All

on the BBC Micro and Acorn Archimedes

David Spencer and Mike Williams

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File Handling for All

Unfortunately the source files for this book have not survived, and so the full text of the book itself cannot be supplied on this CD. The accompanying software disc is provided, however, and further details about the book (published in December 1990) are displayed below.
Dsc Click this icon to open a window showing the contents of the accompanying disc
The following two appendices have been scanned and converted into HTML because they relate directly to the contents of the associated programs disc, which is provided here. To view them, simply click the HTML icons:
Htm Appendix F
The Associated Programs Disc
Htm Appendix B
Filer Database Management System

Description from the back cover

Computers are often used for file handling applications yet this is a subject which computer users find difficult when it comes to developing their own programs. This book aims to change that by providing an extensive and comprehensive introduction to the writing of file handling programs. Early chapters introduce basic concepts and the essential file handling features of Basic. From here on the book proceeds to develop all the routines needed for storing, organising and retrieving data in a database system.

Later chapters cover more specialist topics such as searching, sorting and the use of indexes, while the book concludes with practical advice on the development and testing of file handling programs, which have their own specific problems when it comes to debugging. Seven appendices provide additional information to supplement earlier chapters.

All the programs and other routines listed in the book are written in BBC Basic, and are available on a separate disc together with additional utilities and a complete working database system. However, all the file handling concepts discussed are relevant to most computer systems, making this a suitable introduction to file handling for all.

Topics covered by the book include:

Both authors are on the staff of BEEBUG Ltd, David Spencer as Hardware Development Manager, and Mike Williams as Editor of BEEBUG and RISC User magazines. Both have been extensively involved with computers over many years and have written frequently in BEEBUG and RISC User on file handling and many other topics.


ISBN 1-85142-087-8
9 781851 420872